Chapter 5
The Creator – The Original Being
This study performs a logical analysis of religious concepts based on the latest scientific achievements. In particular, this concerns the possibility of God-Creator existence. It is during the search for facts that testify to His presence that knowledge from theoretical astrophysics and quantum physics may come in handy. By accepting the Active Observer – the Creator, it will be easier to accept the necessity of the existence of the Initial Cause for the existence of all things. I will therefore look for the One for Whom space-time is the result of His activity, while He alone can infinitively exist beyond time and space.
The state beyond time and space is an important term for the "place of residence" of the sought Creator. This is one of the most important concepts of this study, apart from Original Being. This state is best called the sphere, with the reservation that it is not about a limited space, but about the eternal and boundless state of reality. It surrounds the space-time universe from everywhere. It also eludes our imagination, because it transcends everything that our brain can imagine. Besides, the very existence of the Original Being is beyond our imagination. However, these difficulties should not prevent me from analyzing this state and in examining the individual qualities of the sought Creator.
Before I present the whole of the topics described above, I would like to present my vision of the universe contained in this study even more accurately. It defines my perspective on religious and philosophical problems in the form resembling scientific analysis. In connection with this and the need to systematize this method, I introduce the name essenceizm. This is a new concept, used only for me by now, meaning an analytical system based on logic, and intended to study peculiarities beyond time and space. This system prepares tools for the analysis of non-material phenomena, called spiritual ones, in order to form them into a unified theory.
This system is derived from the fundamental assumption that the source of everything is the Original Being. He is the Absolute, the Perfection and the Beginning of everything, the First Cause. In principle, He has always existed, that is, from infinity. It will also last forever, or endlessly. In all analyzes of essenceism, I invariably follow this basic assumption. I check every view, theory or theorem in relation to the necessary qualities of the Original Being, identified in my study with the concept of God-Creator.
I must now explain why I assumed this assumption. I did it because the existence of God is not a problem of faith for me, but a logical necessity. I rejected the idea that the universe was made of nothing. In this situation, without the Creator's recognition as the Initial Necessity, I would not be able to explain the fact of the existence of the universe, and in particular the circumstances of the creation of matter. The same applies to the existence of life. In this case, the presence of the Creator is also some necessity. Of course, my assumption will be verified during the analysis of the hypothesis that such a causal being could actually create the universe, life and people. For now, let it be just a theory.
What does it mean that God is the Creator? Essenceism states that the Original Being is the creator of time and space. This means that by acting outside of time and space, He initiated time and space filled with various forms of energy and matter. In short, He created the space-time of universe.
The most important notion in the search for the Original Being is infinity, whose existence is acknowledged not only by scientists, but also in the universal human consciousness. It is quite easy for us to accept infinity oriented towards the future. We feel subconsciously that the universe will last forever, because even if there is a cataclysm on Earth and life will disappear on it, in the scale of the entire cosmos it will be an almost imperceptible incident. There are no premises to deny the permanent, imperishable duration of the universe. It is much harder to accept and understand the infinity oriented in the opposite direction, i.e. facing the past. We will always ask ourselves a question, which is very logical, which was before. Even the statement that God has always existed will entail the same question as before or where this eternal beginning is. Of course, infinity has no end, but it also has no beginning and it is the most difficult to accept.
All the arguments used in this study lead to the basic theorem that the Creator, or the Original Being, must be associated with the sought-after transcendent sphere: unlimited in nothing and infinite from backward infinity to infinity in the unimaginable future. At the present level of development of our civilization, only such a Creator should be accepted by the logically thinking inhabitant of the Earth.
He links each authentic creator to his work with an inseparable bond. The more the author gets involved in his creative act, the more he is related to it. The most engaged artist reflects all his skills and emotions in his work, just himself. In the case of God, His action usually has the character of a creative process that affects the entire future. If He has already done something and decides that it is good, then in this way He determines the state of perfection and establishes the binding norm. It is best to give it the name of God's Law written in large letters to emphasize its uniqueness and eternal validity. Throughout this study, I call God's law what people identify with the Word of God, that is, content objectively reaching people through written revelations. By analyzing certain biblical records, we can partially recognize the elements of the God’s Law. Particularly important information was found in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Also, the Koran's records give us some idea of the values we seek from God. We can also find them in other recognized religious records. All of them should aim at building a comprehensive picture of knowledge about values associated with God.
In addition to the term God's Law, I use the terms God's Principles in my texts. They mark the timeless state of reality which the Creator has shaped. The rule, written in large letters, is that God is the absolute, perfection and infinity. Among other things, it is also the fact that man was created in the image and likeness of the Original Being, that is, he comes directly from him who is called the Heavenly Father by Christians. These Principles, unlike His Laws, are adopted intuitively, because this is how our heart and understanding of timeless values tell us, even though such behavior should be considered "unscientific".
To sum up the previous claims, we must admit that God is the most perfect Creator, Artist and Father.
To complete these statements, I refer to the following chapters:
Chapter 6 -. The Omnipotence - Energy of the First Cause
Chapter 7 - The Universe reside in Original Being
Chapter 8 - God’s Perfection
Chapter 9 - God - Absolute Goodness
and also
Chapter 20 - God – His terms and attributes