Chapter 8

The progressive degradation of religion

Religion is a set of concepts aimed at faith in variously understood God. There is also a belief in supernatural phenomena, a belief in the afterlife and sometimes in the "divinity" of its founders. Most often they establish the sovereignty of "their" God over humanity.

Religion should be intended for people living in the currently developing world, thinking in terms of modernity and willing to implement the latest achievements of science and technology. Opposing the development of civilization pushes religion to the margins of life and makes it a group of superstitions. In the case of Judaism, an example is Moses, who directed his religious message to his contemporaries. Keeping his teachings unchanged led from the very beginning to the freezing of the religious knowledge of the people of Israel at the level of antiquity. No wonder these educated clergymen of Judaism persecuted the prophets and eventually murdered Jesus himself. Worse still, they continue in their unchanging vision and wait for the promised Messiah. The result of Muhammad's teachings must be assessed in a similar vein. The perpetuation of his restrictive ideas resulted in wars and acts of genocide in the following centuries. As a result, current Islam has turned into one of the world's most backward religions. Many of the recommendations of the Koran are completely detached from the conditions of the present civilization.

Christianity is also no exception. Although Saint Paul was one of his driving forces, his approach to modern teaching was quickly forgotten. Much later, the Great Reformation and its subsequent reforms helped disintegrating Christianity a little better adapt its teaching to modern needs. However, there is now a huge regression in Christian Science, as most of the elements of modern Christianity are found in the Middle Ages. So-called Christian values ​​mentioned in my second book on essenceism are only instrumental. Political or social groups presenting these values practically do not implement them. On the other hand, they use Christian slogans only as a mechanism to gain power, thus lying to their voters. This results in another mechanism of the degradation of religion in the form of a significant destruction of the religious foundation of morality, that is, love of one's neighbor.

In my opinion, religion has been degraded the most and continues to be degraded by its marriage with politics, both in the old days and now. Despite the evident evil this phenomenon brings, religions have almost always stood by the side of the rulers. They identified with the rulers, because thanks to this they not only strengthened the power over their faithful, but also gained new believers for their religion. Perhaps they did not realize that from the moment they cooperate with the political power, they pass to their virus of power, that is, the power of authority coming from the "ruler of this world". The power of authority, as already explained before, was created as a result of a reversal of the power of love. Thus, religion, in proclaiming love for people, must avoid supporting a political authority that uses its power of authority. This condition can morally decay any religious denomination whose leaders are unaware that the power of authority comes from Satan. Looking back on the history of Israel, it is worth paying attention to the most tragic result of the interaction of the political authority with the religious authority, which brought death to Jesus Christ.

It is also evident from the history of mankind that religions have been involved quite intensively in destroying those who thought differently from them. In addition to the inquisition about Christianity, there was a constant fight against so-called non-believers, heretics, and reformers. This damaged the morality of clergymen of many religious denominations and contributed to the devaluation of beautiful slogans about tolerance, forgiveness and love.

Nowadays, atheists show quite intense criticism of the actions of the main religious denominations. There is awareness that people need religion less and less. This is due to a distrustful attitude of most religions to the significant development of science, which is replacing religious faith with its achievements. The authority of the various "gods" preached by individual religions has also diminished. These gods have become the delusional gods that people care less and less about.

The little-seen but essential mechanism for the degradation of religion is the lack of a clear explanation of Satan's significant role in human life. This results in the absurd assertion of Christian teachings that God allows evil so that we can better understand good. Essenceism also points to their incorrect and false assertion that Jesus Christ greatly weakened the rule of "the ruler of this world" and that he accomplished the full salvation of mankind.

Most religious teachings are aimed at people who are reluctant to use logical thinking. It is they who most often look for "shelter" from the hardships of life as a member of a denomination. From other side for stronger personalities, it can present a very strong and good God who sees, hears and notes everything. This phenomenon makes sure that everything is under His control. For such "intellectuals" Satan may be of little importance, relating only to temptation leading to bad behavior. Fortunately, in the "chosen church" a good, forgiving God awaits them, who, with the help of the clergy of a given religion, frees them from evil inclinations.

In response to all this, essenceism consoles the worried people that the degradation of religion should not harm the proper, real God, whom essenceism calls the Original Being. If He exists, He cannot be changed or damaged by human actions. The degradation of religion hits people the hardest. According to essenceism, religion is an essential part of life in the world we have today. It explains that our world is inconsistent with the well-understood concept of the Original Being. This concept was destroyed by people led by an "anti-divine teacher," or Satan. By the way, the lack of faith in the personal source of evil, while at the same time believing in the personal source of the good, also leads to the degradation of religion. Above all, religion should clearly show the source of evil, its action and its effects. Correcting evil is a task for people because they participate in it. Contrary to people, God does not know evil, which I showed in my studies. Without the effective work of religion, it will be impossible to save the world from evil. This is religion's indispensable mission to the future of mankind.

Essenceism is not meant to save the world. Only someone who duel with Satan and has enough power to overcome him can do this. Only the Son of God can be such a person, a man without original sin, like Adam from the Garden of Eden before the fall. Such a person was among us two thousand years ago and continues to accompany us in the spiritual world. It is Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, people at that time were not sufficiently prepared to receive the Savior and not only did not help Him, but actually rejected Him, and thus helped His adversary, Satan. The chosen people professing the religion we call Judaism today, led to the crucifixion of the One who could free mankind from Satan, that is, save all people. It was the greatest degradation of religion in history. For the role of religion at that time was to prepare people for the coming of the Messiah. Anyway, this is also the role of all religions today.

The salvation of the world can only be achieved with the significant help of existing religions. I, as a single person, can only inform people and help them understand the current situation. Essenceism explains that the Creator has already prepared a refined scenario for the emergence of humanity. It is about bringing into life the first man who should become the Son of God and the first woman who should become a Daughter of God. It was the only possible idea of ​​a good world. Unfortunately, two thousand years ago people did not understand this idea and they crucified the Son of God who was already among them. As a result of this crime, it also became impossible to restore the Daughter of God. So the tragedy in the Garden of Eden repeated itself.

Religion is needed to introduce the idea of ​​a good world again. It cannot be replaced in this work by science, culture, economy or politics. So, a renewal of religion as an equal partner for science is essential. Together, these two areas have a chance to prepare the world to reintroduce the concept of the Creator. Essenceism now proposes that the latest advances in science be introduced into the teaching of religion. The knowledge of the eternity of human life and the existence of the Original Being should be on the same level as the knowledge of the laws of nature. This could make religion one of the main areas of our life.

This next book on essenceism aims to show what the world's religious beliefs lack in understanding the state that is the correct concept of the Creator. My remarks should not be taken merely as showing errors and inactivity in the world's religions. The time has come to take it out of the stagnation that made it stuck with the idea of the Middle Ages, and even antiquity. All other areas of life have already entered the twenty-first century. With their modern translation of phenomena, they have pushed religion to the background, and even to the last position. Therefore, I invite you to read about essenceism. I claim that my system will allow us to understand the possibility of introducing the concept of life based on the Power of Love given to us by the Creator.








 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)