Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”


Who is God?

The question asked in the title will be answered by practically every believer in God, presenting various names and titles such as Jehovah, the Creator, God the Father or Allah. To the question of what He is, we will hear various adjectives such as good, eternal, just or omnipotent. However, these will only be His names or titles that do not entail any deeper analysis. This is not surprising, since these are answers dictated by faith, and they do not know which one must be able to rationally explain each answer. Such rules prevail in science.

A similar situation occurs in the case of the question: where is God? Answers like "everywhere" or "in heaven" are also far from scientific concepts. Therefore, if we approach the subject of God's existence in accordance with the rules of science, one should answer the above questions in a comprehensible and rational way. The essenceism system presented here serves this purpose. It does not revolve in the circle of faith, but it concerns the logical analysis of the existence of God.

The first chapters of this study will present the basic concepts of essenceism that are the assumptions of this system. They will be explained and analyzed in further chapters to obtain a logical sequence of thought leading to the determination of the God sought. Such argumentation is necessary in a situation where it is not possible to directly scientifically prove the existence of God directly.

In essenceism, the notion of God is the eternally existing Being. In the development of this definition, it should be added that this Being did not only exist from retrograde infinity, but also exists now and will continue to exist in the infinite future. This, of course, cannot be proved. This is, for the time being, an exit condition that should be assumed as an assumption. It will be verified in the next parts of this work. Every important concept should be checked using the phrase "if such a Being exists, then ...". The result of such verification will depend on the final result of this study.

It should be added that the Original Being should be the Efficient First Cause, because this is the primary reason why we are even wondering about His existence. Of course, the Original Being must be the Absolute, Perfection and Only Necessity, and also be associated with the model of absolute Good.

The absoluteness of this Being means that He is independent of anything and no one. Therefore, it is an "unconditional" Being, also independent of our opinion about Him.

The fact that the Original Being is perfect marks His maximum and final state, as well as the ultimate dimension of what He does. In practice, it should be understood that His works do not require improvement or modification to become even more perfect, because their state is complemented in every respect. To complement these definitions, it should be added that the Original Being, which essenceism defines as the source of all things, is the foundation of morality, felt as the existence of only goodness


Additional explanations will be provided in the chapters:

Chapter 1 - What is God? – Nature of God

Chapter 2 -. Where is God?

Chapter 3 - How to imagine God?






 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)