Chapter 34
People's responsibility for the future
My studies of essenceism touch not only on the problem of responsibility for the state of our world, but also on the important responsibility for its future. As a result of the analysis of this state, a number of conclusions were made that influenced the content of the current study. The main one concerns responsibility for the creation of evil, which at the very beginning of history destroyed the concept of reality derived from the Creator. I described this in the second part of this book. Further conclusions concern the process of repairing the state of the world, which, as explained, concerns the reality that has its constant source in the active action of Satan. Since in the first part of the study I showed that the Original Being does not know evil and has nothing to do with its creation, the removal of evil remains the responsibility of humanity. Of course, people can count on support from angels, which is difficult to determine, but this is a separate topic. The analysis of responsibility understood in this way therefore concerns our future. Moreover, the issue is who among us is to lead the renewal of the world: people of faith, scientists, politicians, businessmen, social activists, or maybe someone else?
It is generally known that politicians, businessmen, social activists and scientists focus on the everyday existence of our world, and therefore they should have someone who could explain to them how they should direct their activities so that they have an impact on the elimination of evil. Thanks to this, they could participate in restoring the original state of the world. This brings us to a consideration of the role of leaders of religious denominations. They have an important responsibility for restoring humanity's well-being. I hope that they will finally become fully aware of the seriousness of their mission.
Unfortunately, for now we can see the inaction of the clergy in the face of the need to save the world. In most cases, their attitude means belief in an imaginary god who, according to them, is supposed to solve the problem of the existence of evil by eliminating it. He is also supposed to independently bring about the creation of a good, even ideal, world. This attitude of people of faith is the greatest spiritual failure of our civilization, which is why nothing has changed for thousands of years.
In this situation, it remains to appeal to other members of society. I do not hide the fact that one of the goals of the theory of eternal existence and the essenceism system that creates it is to stimulate scientists to use knowledge and experience to restore to us the harmony in interpersonal relations that prevails within the laws of physics and other natural sciences. Additionally, my theory and system want to stimulate academic centers to engage in education that is good for humanity.
Wanting to start with myself, I accept responsibility for the knowledge I publish, although my possibilities are limited only to presenting the essenceism system and conclusions from the theory of eternal existence. Even with little interest in the knowledge of the existence of the Original Being and His true reality for humanity, I will propagate it as long as I have strength and will never stop my actions.