Chapter 2
Where is God?
(On the Internet a graphic model of the universe is presented from the Big Bang to the present day. You can see it in the previous chapter)

Such “an image” results not only from the Big Bang, which probably initiated it. Also because it is a so-called the spacetime, or three-dimensional space subject to progressive changes in time, in which there are various forms of energy and matter. They are also undergoing constant development. Space and time interact with each other, shaping and expanding the universe. For us, these changes are almost imperceptible, although time flows inexorably. Since the Big Bang, or the supposed origin of the universe, it has already been around 13.8 billion years and this fact can be used to draw many important conclusions. Some of them can be used to find an answer to the question about the existence of God and the place where He is.
These problems are raised by my system, which is based on the analysis of the origin of the universe. I called it the essenceism. In general, it is a set of tools, or rather methods, allowing at least partial acquisition of rational knowledge about God. One should seek Him in the sphere beyond the space-time of the universe. When learning about this sphere, science has previously encountered obstacles impossible to pass using classical methods. So with the use of the essenceism tools mentioned in a separate chapter, I am trying to investigate phenomena occurring in the sphere beyond time and space.
Where is God then?
We are looking for the First Cause, or God, hereinafter referred to as the Original Being. In no case can He fit in the space-time understood as the present universe examined by us. The theologians' thesis that God is everywhere should be rationally clarified. If it cannot be logically demonstrated, then it loses its meaning in our time, because most people today do not accept the dogmatically imposed act of faith.
In this case, such a statement from the point of view of science is wrong, and from the point of view of logic, deeply wrong.
In this situation, one could agree with the claims of the representatives of science that God cannot be located on our Earth. However, it opens the way to locating Him in the sphere beyond time and space.
According to the claims of most scientists, the universe was once created, that is, it has its origin. And what was before?

Before that there was something that was difficult to define with scientific concepts. The Bible calls it disorderly and desolate, and claims that before the creation of the world everything was covered by darkness.
When approaching this situation in the context of essenceism, one must call this unlimited and undefined "space" sphere beyond of time and space. This means that neither time nor space structures exist. There are also no reference points, no distances and there are no physical phenomena. This is the sphere of eternity and infinity. Essenceism places there God-Creator, or Original Being. This "place" harmonizes with His attributes because it is eternal, infinite and absolute. He is as if integrated in this sphere, because, according to essenceism, He penetrates it with His Personality. You can say that He is everywhere in it. In it lies His Energy of the First Cause and all His Laws and Principles. This means that the Creator - the Original Being completely occupies the realm beyond time and space. From Him, everything comes from this sphere. From this realm the universe was born, which in the figure below can be seen as emerging from the sphere beyond time and space, probably in the form of the Big Bang.

Noticing the limited lifetime of the universe by discovering its supposed starting point has created a new direction in understanding the correct position of the Original Being. It was noticed that the phenomenon of the expansion of the universe and the fact that it began with a certain moment. According to essenceism, this is the greatest discovery in the history of mankind. It was therefore determined that this moment could be the Big Bang mentioned above. As a result, the universe was bounded by boundary conditions, and the concept of space-time was assigned to it. Even its duration from the initial state to the current state was determined at about 13.8 billion years.
This situation entitles us to ask the first question: what was before the Big Bang and to the second: where is our universe? Against the backdrop of this situation, for the first time, the possibility of a logical imagination of the sphere beyond time and space, which could be a source sphere to the existing space-time and which would house our universe, was created for the first time. It means the existence of the aforementioned source sphere from infinity to infinity, that is, being unlimited spatially and temporally in the past, in the present and in the future. The same is true of the existence of the Original Being. Because He, as the First Cause, existed before the creation of the universe known as space-time. It can therefore be emphasized again that the sphere beyond time and space is its eternal, natural and perfect "environment" of existence. This is His permanent "home" and there we can imagine Him as God who has always existed.
The above understanding of the simultaneous existence of two realities, i.e. time-space-time and a sphere unlimited by time and space, leads to the conclusion that our universe emerged from the sphere beyond time and space. In addition, it entitles you to state that even an infinite number of universes could have emerged from such a sphere. However, in order to stop the desire to think too much, let us stay for now with our one universe that emerged from this sphere.
God - as the First Cause or Creator of the universe - must have a Personality that is the source of all laws and principles, including Intellect, Will and Emotionality - Its basic qualities. They should create a Personality Center identified with the colloquially used concept of the Spirit of God.
The sphere beyond time and space is the only sensible "terrain" of the immediate existence of the First Cause, or the Original Being of unlimited Personality and unlimited Primordial Energy. I say that because the universe has come from somewhere. Before, "nothing was" from the point of view of a physical observer embracing only the space-time space of the universe. There was, however, "something" that gave rise to what the observer now sees. This "something" had to be a certain existence impossible to observe. It means that we are dealing with "something invisible", means with the existence of a sphere that we must call existence beyond time and space. At the source of this existence there must have been some source energy, because everything originated from it. There also had to be source rights, according to which this source energy transformed into various forms of energy and matter. It is hard to insist, therefore, that the universe was created out of nothing or by accident.
This is my conclusion resulting from the necessary existence of a causal sphere beyond time and space in which primeval laws and principles are coded. They cannot be "nowhere else" except in this realm. Because of its uniqueness and peculiarities, nothing can happen in it by accident. In addition, all of the fundamental rights and their impact have a huge level of intelligence, as well as specific purpose and perfect harmony. We can therefore conclude that the sphere beyond time and space is permeated by the source of intelligence, will and emotionality, which can be identified with the attributes of the Personality of the First Cause, that is, His Intelligence, Will and Emotionality.
Summing up the above, I repeat the fundamental thesis of this study that the entire universe with all its material forms and various forms of energy is a creative transformation of the God's Primordial Energy. At the same time, His Personality, whose attributes in the form of laws and principles permeate this Energy, I call the Spirit of God. The existence of God is thus connected with the sphere beyond time and space.
To complete these statements, I refer to the following chapters:
Chapter 3 - How to imagine God?
Chapter 4 - The First Cause
Chapter 5 - The Creator – The Original Being
Chapter 6 -. The Omnipotence - Energy of the First Cause
Chapter 7 - The Universe reside in Original Being
Chapter 8 - God’s Perfection
Chapter 9 - God - Absolute Goodness